Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Unified Communications vs Social Collaboration

Have you ever stopped to think about how the goals for Unified Communications and Social Collaboration are actually quite similar? While it’s true, there are some key differences between the two functions, such as who drives these initiatives within an organization and the actual technical components of each function, at their core, both UC and SC are about improving communications, making companies more productive and providing solutions for global and remote workers. Check out the infographic below to explore the similarities and differences between UC and SC further.
It’s time for the roads to merge between UC and SC. Business stand to gain a lot from uniting the two. But the reality is this merger won’t happen overnight. It will be a process that will involve Business Units making concerted efforts to proactively bring IT into their social collaboration strategy planning efforts. IT departments, in turn, will need to roll up their sleeves and become current on new social collaboration platforms and tools to become trusted advisors to Business Units on social collaboration. Do you agree that it’s time for roads to merge? What else will it take to turn this vision into a reality? Will IT departments rise to this new challenge?

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