Sunday, March 7, 2010

Unhappiness is when we are defeated in minds

Hi All,

Is there a life possible where there are no challenges, no obstacles, no struggles? I think everyone would say, 'If there is life, there would be struggles'. Those who face challenges in life are the luckiest because they get ample oppotunities to grow in life. It is only during struggles we realize our inner potentials. But the irony is we tend to become complacent and comfy about our lives. We want to plan everything with clinical precision, want to predict things as per our whims and fancies, and want to live a life which is steady and undisruptive. Life interestingly is full of surprises, it can catch you unaware, and it can push you to the walls at times. Those who show courage, guts and a verve to fight out the tough situations in life are the ones who emerge as victorious.

We should thank God whenever we face a challenge in life. It is an wonderful opportunity to correct our attitudes in our lives. We face tough times in our relationships with our parents, bosses, loved ones or friends. We face tough times in while fulfilling our career aspirations, persuing our hobbies and interests. Most of the times we consider these as triggers or agents of unhappiness. We become unhappy because we get defeated in our minds. We tend to believe that these challenges are unsurmountable and we have to give-up. The other point of view which is more optimistic is to take responsibilty of our own actions and taking full control of our lives. We should stop blaming others, our environment for our pitiable state in lives. Rather, we should start working on our negativities, weaknesses, negative traits to correct our actions. The change will happen when we start looking at our actions and start creating a positive impact. With this attitude we can change our relationships, change our destinies for good.

"Unhappiness is not in challenges but unhappiness lies when we get defeated in our minds"


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