Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Internet of Things (IoT) - The next Mega Trend

How many objects do you have which are connected to the internet?
About a decade ago you probably would have said 1 or may be 2. But today we have computers, personal computers, tablets, smart phone, video games, media player, smart TV, wearable devices and smart refrigerators.
Now extend this trend outward, what do we get? Gartner, a research firm estimates that by 2020, there will be 25 billion objects connected to the internet. We are talking about the world blanketed with billions of sensors. These sensors are taking addresses from real physical objects in the world and uploading them to the internet. We are creating an environment where everything is getting connected. Internet of Things is no more a buzzword, it is the next mega trend.

IoT’s roots can be traced back to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), from work in the field of networked radio frequency identification (RFID) and emerging sensing technologies. Kevin Ashton coined the term Internet of Things for the first time in 1999. IoT represents the next evolution of the Internet, taking a huge leap in its ability to gather, analyze and distribute data that we can turn into information, knowledge, and, ultimately, wisdom.

Now the question is how many objects could be connected to the internet. So consider this –the latest version of internet connection protocol IPV6 can create more addresses than there are atoms on the surface of the earth. So, it is almost limitless.

Let’s stroll into the living room of future.

The room identifies you and taps into the cloud based profile of preferences like climate control, lighting, music and décor. Had a long day at work?? The room knows that you had a busy day full of meetings, the wearable device that you are wearing and the biosensors detect your blood pressure and heart rate. So, it turns off the rock music you usually listen to and switch on to more soothing classical music. The environment is so sophisticated that you may be able to predict what you want. So when you walk to the refrigerator, it will not only tell you what is in there but will also tell you what you can make with stuff you already have inside the fridge. It will also suggest the best meal you can have based on your mood, activity level and may be even your weight loss plan.

IoT Applications

Now, let us also see some real life examples where Internet of Things is already a reality. IoT is already among us with the Nike Fuelband, FitBit, Google Glass and finally the Apple Watch which was a pivotal moment in the internet of things (IoT) revolution.  The smartwatch incorporates fitness tracking and health-oriented capabilities as well as integration with iOS and other Apple products and services.

Mimo, another company can track your little ones. Through the Mimo app you can hear your little one’s coos and cries, know if your little is awake or asleep; it can check your baby’s body position and be notified if he or she rolls over. Available on both Android and iOS, the Mimo app lets you stay in-tune with your baby, from anywhere in the world.

The possibilities of IoT are immense. There could be many applications of Internet of Things 
  •      If there is traffic congestion, then we can monitor vehicles and pedestrian levels to optimize driving and walking routes
  •      Through distributed control in specific places of tremors we can have early detection of earthquakes. This can save lots of human lives
  •      We can build a smart supply chain that can provide identity, location, and other tracking information from the manufacturer to the retailer

In summary, IoT is transforming every industry be it healthcare, energy, agriculture, education or retail. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a VISION. It is being built today. Modern strategist Michael Porter says that eventually, the IoT will deliver products that decide. This is going to give a real opportunity for a surge of growth—a surge of productivity, a surge of innovation. 

Today, the Internet of Things might look like the Internet of the 1990s but the potential for future is unimaginable.
Though this is a vast concept but this video tries to simplify things for us!!

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