Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Customer Analytics & the State of Retail Industry

The infographic shows how monetizing customer data is simple – just identify your retailing challenges, extract required intel out of raw customer data, and then you just connect the dots. Understanding customers doesn’t get any easier, does it?

Customer Analytics & the State of Retail Industry
by daSantosh.
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How Technology Is Transforming Retail

The demand for retailers to step up their game is more apparent than ever. Consumers are shifting the retail landscape and innovating with technology to engage the tech savvy shopper is a must.

How Technology Is Transforming Retail
by em_nemtin.
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What Are The Benefits Of Retail Kiosks

Few industries stand to gain more from self-service than retail. Learn how to get the most from retail kiosks, and how the deployment of the technology yields benefits on both sides of the counter.

What Are The Benefits Of Retail Kiosks
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Digital in Retail

Use of digital in retail is in its infancy. There are pockets of brands in certain cities trying out new tools and methods to engage their customers. One of the keys to success is starting by being in the customer's shoes and following the consumer's journey. Setting objectives, experimenting and measuring are also vital. This six-part infographic looks at various opportunities to engage the customer according to where they are and what they are doing. While technology is critical, the attempt has been as much as possible to focus on the customer's viewpoint as opposed to a specific technology. Infographic by Brand Talking & The Myndset. 

Digital in Retail
by BrandTalking.
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Infosys - CPG Mobile Solutions For Consumer Package Goods | Retail Automation & Strategy

Infosys lays out retail execution plan and strategy for consumer packaged goods industry to enhance sales force productivity and utilization with the help of mobile devices. Learn more about this through the infographic provided.

Infosys - CPG Mobile Solutions For Consumer Package Goods | Retail Automation & Strategy
by Infosyslimited.
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A Look at the Digital Future of Global Retail

The future of digital marketing is bright. The global retail brand's consumer has evolved with the advent of new technology and channels, and these channels demand a new type of marketer. With more marketing metrics and tactics than ever before, modern marketers must look at the current trends to prepare their strategies for the future.

A Look at the Digital Future of Global Retail
by mbwesson.
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Retail Mobility: Navigating the 21st century Gold Rush

Cognizant analyzed the mobile web and app offerings of the top 100 retailers. Here is what we found about the current state of mobility in retail.

Retail Mobility: Navigating the 21st century Gold Rush
by cognizant.
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Mobile Influence: The Future of Retail

The retail industry is in for a big wake up call.

Mobile Influence: The Future of Retail
by em_nemtin.
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The Future of Retail — According to Shoppers

Despite globally embracing online retail, shoppers still believe there will be room for their favorite brick-and-mortar shops in the future. In fact, a new survey reveals shoppers are ready for an elevated, cross-channel experience. Below, we take a look at what else shoppers predict for retail's future.

The Future of Retail � According to Shoppers
by Column Five Media.
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